Roguelike Game in C++17

Console and moving around

At this time the code compiles, generated an executable which runs AND presents a window with @ in middle of the screen. But that does not a roguelike make. So, onwards we go…


For this section the goals are:

  • Refactor code so it's amenable to change.
  • Load Custom font file.
  • Handle input.
    • Move @ around using arrow keys (, , , and ).
    • Exit when ESC is pressed.
    • Toggle fullscreen mode with Alt+Enter.

That list doesn't look too bad, relatively simple goals.


The code renders @ in a hard coded position directly on what tcod calls the root console. Ideally, it would be rendered on to some offscreen buffer, which would then be merged with root console when its time to display. Additionally, we want @ to be more 'dynamic'.

Within the refactored code, offscreen buffer is called game_console, it has the same dimensions as root console. Before root console is displayed on to the screen, game_console is merged using blit method.

The @'s position is now determined by value of two variables player_x and player_y. Also it's color is explicitly set to be white. It is drawn on game_console using putChar method.

Loading Custom Font

For this we use setCustomFont method of the TCODConsole class. Reading the documentation of tcod, we learn that setCustomFont must be called before initRoot is called.

Another thing that needs to be done to get font to work, is we need to copy a font file to same directory as executable. Techincally, we could pass any path to setCustomFont, but for simplicity, I am just copying the arial10x10.png to same directory as CMake's Build output. The file is provided by tcod in it's data/fonts directory. Feel free to use a different font file, if you don't like arial.

The copying action is done by CMake, by declaring/updating the custom target that was setup for project to consume tcod. CMake target is now updated to copy 3 files, two .dll and one .png.

Handling Input

Compared to font loading, this is bit more involved. Basically, this task can be divided into two smaller concepts.

  • Action handling.
  • Key press handling.

Action handling

Player in our game can do set of actions on any given turn/frame. For the moment these are

  • Do nothing.
  • Exit the game.
  • Move one square in X or Y direction.
  • Toggle fullscreen mode between windowed <-> fullscreen.

Game doesn't really care which key is pressed to perform these actions. We'll get to mapping actions to keypresses in next section.

To capture our actions in code we use an enumeration in C++. It has four actions identified in previous paragraph. At the moment our actions list is very small, so the code to act on any given action is within main function. It's a very simple switch statement block. In future, we may change this aspect, for now it's good enough.

The switch expects a std::pair with .first type being action and .second type being data. For the moment, data is only used by move case, where .second is another std::pair type and is used to update player position. Second std::pair is typedef'd to move_dir.

move_dir's two members first and second, representing the offset value to move the player in X and Y axis respectively.

Key press handling

The function handling key presses will transform the key pressed into an action from our actions list.

Returned object by our input handler, is going to be a tuple std::pair. Tuple will have to things in it, in order

  1. one action value from within our actions enum.
  2. one data object held by std::any type. Depending on the action, data can be either a std::pair type, or nullptr

For our current set of actions, we have to check about 6 different key presses.

  • ESC to Exit the game
  • UP to Move in y axis by -1
  • DOWN to Move in y axis by +1
  • LEFT to Move in x axis by -1
  • RIGHT to Move in x axis by +1
  • ALT + ENTER to Toggle Fullscreen

When any of the arrows keys are pressed, we populate .second member of std::pair with position value. In all cases, we populate .first member with action value. std::pair is then returned to caller, which is main, where above described Action Handling occurs.

Now we have @ displayed on the screen which can be moved around using arrow keys. The application can exit when ESC key is pressed and it'll go fullscreen when ALT and ENTER keys are pressed together.



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Author: Neel Raiyani [Roy Fokker]

Created: 2019-10-24 Thu 17:24
